Monday, December 04, 2006

This is my little granddaughter, Lexie She came to visit after Thanksgiving. She has to be the most adorable little girl since...well.......Kiri. Speaking of Kiri, Lexie would cry everytime Kiri put her down or passed her to someone else. All she wanted was Kiri. Made my heart melt.


Missuz J said...

Awww. She's darlin'. Party soon?

amandak said...

MWAH! Super cuteness.

Grandma Kodi. (hee hee)

shawnak said...

Can't believe you're a grandma!! Hey at least you are a smokin' hot, cool grandma :)

Cute Cute Cute

OMH said...

She's a cutie!

I bet it tore Aunt Kiri up to be so "wanted"! (Actually it may have gotten a little old for her - but it still makes you feel like a bazillion bucks to be the ONE AND ONLY!)

Stine said...

What a cutie. I had no idea you were a grandmother. And yes, smoking hot grandma indeed.