Monday, July 18, 2005

I miss my sweet girl

I just got back from dropping my daughter off at my parents house. She'll be with them for a week, then she's going to Northern Utah with my brother for a week. That totals 2 whole weeks without my sweet girl. I miss her terribly already. I miss the way she makes me laugh, I miss her silly stories, I miss our deep serious talks, and I sorta miss yelling at her to clean her room.

Kiri is very excited though, because when I fly into Salt Lake City from Virginia in 2 weeks, she is going to meet me at the SLC airport and we are flying the last leg home together. She loved when we flew all over the place when we went to Europe, and is looking forward to a short fight on a "puddle jumper" plane rather than a big huge plane. I must remember to take my motion sickness pills with me, or I will be miserable the whole time, especially on that little plane.

I get to spend my birthday working in Virginia. I think I'll make my old work buddy Bruce take me to the tavern on my birthday and have a few drinks with me. I also need to look for cool unique presents for my mother's birthday, Kelli's birthday, and Becca's birthday (though I already got Becca a t-shirt of The Cure, I think I'll look for some Civil War something or other for her while I'm back east. Shhhh, don't tell her, its a secret!).

On Friday they are shooting a commercial in the Park for the Honda Goldwing. Which is a motorcycle I think. I get to do traffic control during the shoot, so that will be fun. I will also work a 13 hour day, which I haven't done since I was in my 20s. Should be interesting, and I am looking forward to it in spite of the long hours.

I think I will call Becca, and see what's up.


hazel said...

you couldn't pay me to get on a puddle jumper, but I do admit that the thought of it is kinda neat.

13 hour day!!! bless you! I've been to old 'ginny and I really enjoyed it. we camped out on our loop back from our road trip from our house in PA to memphis. some of the people living at the campgrounds (living at them. like, permanently.) were scary - what with their confederate flags and confederate flag tattoos and confederate flag hatred of northerners, what with us and our PA-license-plate-toting asses, but it was still alot of fun.

have a great time!!

amandak said...

Just think of all the things you and Kiri will have to talk about after your respective journeys! Good luck on your long day.

NME said...

Trip to Europe? When did you and Kiri go and where did you visit?