Friday, July 22, 2005

My inconsistent ramblings

This will probably be my last post until I get back from the Boy Scout Jamboree in Virginia. I should rename my blog to inconsistent ramblings, as I seem to only blog once a week. Often times I sit in front of the computer, and can't think of a thing to say. Being a Leo, I am compelled to be witty and wise at all times so as to remain the center of attention. If I can't think of anything incredibly funny or poignant, I tend not to blog at all.

I had a question in my comments from NME about my trip to Europe. So, here goes.

Last September, Kiri, myself, my brother, his wife, their son, and my grandmother all went to Norway. My grandmother was born and raised in Norway. She lived through the Nazi occupation as a teenager, enduring many tragic and horrific things. After the war, my grandmother and grandfather got married and (as usually happens) got pregnant. At that time, because of the devastation of the war, the Norwegian economy was in ruins, and there was no food. They toughed it out for several years, but things didn't get better. So, in the belief that life would be better and easier in America, they moved to the United States.

I am very proud of my Norwegian heritage, and we got this wild hair to all travel together and see the place where my mother was born and my grandmother grew up. It was fabulous. I really am at a loss for words at the beauty of the country. We saw Viking boats dating back before Christ, we saw wooden Christian churches dating back to 1100 A.D. We visited relatives I have heard of but never met. We rode on ferries touring the fjords. I saw so many waterfalls, my eyeballs almost bugged out of my head. As this was probably the last time my 83 year old grandmother would see her homeland, the trip was all the more precious. That my daughter could experience her heritage with her grandmother was truly incredible. I only wish I could've seen Norway with my mother.

My mother has Lupus, and can't travel. She still speaks fluent Norwegian, and remembers her 5 short years living there. She never got her U.S citizenship, because she really does consider herself a Norwegian living in the U.S. She has gone back to Norway a few times before she became sick. I hope someday when she is well she can go back again, but I don't know if that will ever happen.

Sorry to end on a depressing note. I'll blog again when I get back, and I promise to be witty and upbeat the whole time.


hazel said...

that is incredible. usually when people say that they've vacationed in europe, they talk about england or france or germany. I love that you went to, and loved, norway. not everyone longs to go to norway but I bet, and I can tell from your recounting that this is true, that it's just as mindblowing, if not more, than the usual tourist cities. utmerket!!

hazel said...

ps, I just heard about the scout tragedy in virginia and am thinking about you. I can't wait until you come home and assure us all that you are alright.

NME said...

WOW! That sounds like a truly amazing trip - and so great that your grandmother, daughter, brother and nephew shared it. Very sad your mom didn't get to go.

Heritage trips like that are so fulfilling in so many ways. My Dad moved to US from Germany when he was 5 with my Oma and Opa. I haven't been back yet though I still have family there. I look forward to one day going and taking Noah. Hopefully it won't be too long.

And don't apologize for not being witty. Your blog should show how you feel and we don't all feel witty all the time.

hazel said...

I can't wait until you come home - there have been all kinds of crazy things being reported from the boy scout jamboree.