Monday, August 15, 2005

Count down to first day of school and my relative freedom

I say relative freedom because Kiri will still demand to be driven to BFE every day after school and on the weekends. But I will get 8 hours of no child and no husband every Monday, which will be fabulous.

Kiri and I went to back to school night on Thursday, and she is in for a tough year. She is taking some hard classes and someone needs to light a fire under her ass to keep her on top of things. I guess the fire lighter will have to be me, as Kendall is A. Working all the time and B. Too laid back and easy going to argue with Kiri to do her homework.

We walked into her science class to meet her teacher, and holy shit. Both of us couldn't quit staring, the man was gorgeous. I wish I would've had a good looking science teacher. Kiri turned and whispered to me "Is THAT my teacher?" and I nodded dumbly, as the man was just too cute for words.

Kendall and I went camping on Saturday. It was lovely. Ken made hotdogs and hamburgers on his new space aged grill that cost way too much while I drank vodka. We rode the horses until dark, then cuddled up in the tent right when it started raining. Can I just say how much I love my husband. I think most of the time all I think about or talk about is the negative bullshit with my husband. But truly he is a wonderful man.

I took some pics of us at the mountain, soon as I develop them, I'll post them (prolly next year, ha)

Kiri came back from a friends house with a dog. Ken put his foot down and said absolutely NO. Kiri was devastated, and I felt bad for her. Sometimes it is a good thing that Ken is so stubborn, because I probably would have caved and let her keep it. I was pissed at the lady who gave Kiri the dog without checking with her parents first. So today the dog goes back to it's original owner, and Kiri will cry her eyes out, and I'll feel like shit. God, who does that? Just gives a kid a dog without informing the parents of the decision? Jesus, I hate when she cries from real hurt and sorrow. Kiri will cry over being angry or over petty things sometimes, and that doesn't affect me much, but when she cries over being truly hurt in some way, I feel miserable too. When her tree frog died she cried for 2 days and I really felt bad. And I am always the one to dispose of the dead pets, which sucks. The tree frog had escaped and was a dead frog glued to the carpet of her bedroom, which I had to pry off the carpet as he fell to dead frog pieces. Gross. I flush the fish, I bury the hermit crabs and pet rats. Why do I give in so often and let her have these silly pets that never last more than a couple of years? I love to be miserable I guess. But I tried to tell her when she couldn't keep the dog that she has plenty of pets. She has a dog (lightning) and 2 fish (Mr. Crab, and Bullwinkle) and a horse (Musty, I know silly name). She really doesn't take care of the dog or horse, so I don't think another dog is a good idea. Whatever, she'll get over it soon.

I'm watching Sophie right now and she wants me to pretend to be a puppy, so I better go. She is so fun and smart. I love playing games with the sweet girl.


hazel said...

poor kiri. that's tough. and I agree - no parent should EVER give a kid a dog without asking the parents first. duh.

I am always the pet disposer, too. I hate it. we've gone through fish, a hamster, a lizard, and a mouse. oh, and the giant cockroaches, which were not technically our pets - we were just babysitting them for the school. but one died on our watch and I had to get it out and throw it away. that one was not so hard, emotionally, on trent or I.

amandak said...

Don't you just LOOOVE the first day of school? I'm sure she'll do great, especially in science (wink wink). What's the hot teacher's name? Anybody I might know? I'm trying to remember if I ever had any truly hot teachers, I I don't think I did until college. And even then, I was mostly hot for their brains. I'm weird that way.

Glad to have another post from Kodikins!! Take care darling, and enjoy sweet Soph.

A Man without a Band said...

Hey, baby!

Glad to see I'm not the only one that got spammed. Someone needs to mention this to whomever is in charge. I'm trying to find out from Becca how to delete comments.

Anyway, what I meant to say is that I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't get around to their blog every day.

I agree with everyone else. What kind of crack just gives an animal to a kid? Do you know this person? I'd have a word with her, even if you didn't. 'Course, that's just me.

Also, I'm sure you've had many offers, but I'll drive you to the dentist. That'd be some funny shit.

Personally, I don't understand the colored rubber bands thing. When I was a kid (god, that sounded old), we didn't want people to see them. I even had the clear ones (of course, I was 18 for THAT round (when I was younger, I had just two braces on my two front teeth... long story.).

Anyway, hope to see you this weekend.